Saturday, January 23, 2010

Trillian Messaging Is There An Instant Messaging Program (like Trillian) That Includes G Chat, Yahoo, MSN, And AOL IM?

Is there an instant messaging program (like Trillian) that includes G Chat, Yahoo, MSN, and AOL IM? - trillian messaging

Trillian is not a cat ... G


  1. Gaim supports many protocols of the story.

  2. Yes, it is called Pidgin And here's the link to get there works on all Windows OS and Mac OS based on Linux, so it is established and works with AIM and ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk + More I can not remember at the top of my head.

  3. Yes, it is called Pidgin And here's the link to get there works on all Windows OS and Mac OS based on Linux, so it is established and works with AIM and ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk + More I can not remember at the top of my head.



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